Yoga For You

At Ekatmayoga Foundation, our focus is always on your physical and mental well being.


Because we are far from you cannot deter you from taking all the benefits of Yoga. Our world class teachers can work with you online – one on one or in a group.

RYT 200 hrs from
Yoga Alliance of USA

RYT By Yoga Alliance of USA

EKATMAYOGA brings you RYT 200 (Yoga Alliance of USA) in Association with BHAILA YOGA ASHRAM, Bhaila Kalan, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. Bhaila Yoga Ashram has trained over 400 register yoga teachers, who are offering their services in China.

This is the most popular course and recognized globally, it will open the new dimensions for you to work as Yoga Teacher in any corner of the world. Especially after corona pandemic all world moves online, so if you have com skills and links in foreign this is the best course for you to start your international online Yoga classes. EKATMAYOGA providing you the best quality of RYT 200 hrs course, as we have well qualified and experienced teachers. Our students feel blessed with us, when they understand the real dimensions and meaning of Yoga with very depth knowledge.

other programs

Naturopathy Course

Now we have better understanding after corona pandemic, nature is the best healer it is proved in last days. Allopathic treatment is the best in case of emergency situation, but other than Naturopathy is the best option. We can learn not for professional practice of Naturopathy, but it is very helpful to know how we can keep family & relatives healthy naturally.

Yoga Course

Other than Yoga alliance of US we are providing other Yoga courses also affiliated from reputed institutions and universities like Diploma in Yoga from National Institute of Open School and Bachelors and Masters in Yoga from Famous universities. Our goal is to produce the best Yoga teachers to serve the best for society. 

Marma Chikitsa Course

This is the lost science of Ayurveda, it is considered as half knowledge of surgery in Ayurveda. Our sages designed our rituals based on Marma points, from last 30 years this lost science developed again as Marma Therapy as it have very scientific approach and instant results. We must know this most ancient & mother of touch therapies like Acupressure, Acupuncture, sujok, Reflexology, etc.

Panchkarma Course

This is the best science mention in our Ayurveda to detoxification our body, if you detox yourself you will be healthy forever. This course is in demand in wellness industry, now every resort and hotels wants Panchkarma in there palace to attract the clients. In 2022 most of the resort will add this in there amenities. After this course one can run own Punchkarma center.

Accupresure Course

Acupressure is originated from Marma points, but is also good practice to healing patients. It is very handy and cheaper option to serve and results are very good and people have trust in this therapy. If you are doing naturopathy or similar practices, it will be a good add-on to your skill and acupressure therapist earning good amount by only practicing this therapy.

Diet Course

As per Ayurveda food is the medicine; by keeping this in our mind we have designed this course for wellness seekers. In this course we will give you the depth knowledge of Vaat, Pitta and Kapha and how you can make diet chart as per body constitution (type). We also co-relate this ancient science with modern science for the best results.

Group Yoga Classes
(Online / offline)

This is the most affordable option all, you can join us, Ekatmayoga have daily one group Yoga open to all on FOC (without any charges) or you can take demo class in this session as trail basis. Other than this we have option to join our morning and evening group classes on competitive price.

Home Yoga Classes
(Online / offline)

Home yoga classes is for those wants personal attention or have any particular problem to cure by Yoga therapy. Families want separate time for general well-being classes personalized yoga teacher at your preferred time and location.


Corporate Yoga Sessions (Online / offline)

Now a days this should be mandatory in corporate sector one or two weekly sessions to motivate and employees to follow a healthy lifestyle. Ekatmayoga have lot of options for corporate sectors like wellness weekend retreats, corporate meeting cum Yoga retreats, customized Yoga and wellness sessions, etc.