Ekatmayoga for life

Yoga is not a simple form of exercise, It’s a lifestyle to be adopted. Yoga works at the level of our body (karmayoga), mind (jnana yoga), emotion (bhakti yoga), and energy (kriya yoga).
The only purpose of yoga is to achieve the state of samadhi or moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death) by union of the soul-God, but nowadays, it is being widely practiced as an another form of exercise due to it’s amazing health benefits.


By adopting yoga, you not only become healthy but you also serve your family, society and country. The money that is spent on curing diseases can be used for other noble causes, upliftment of our society and country.


Ashtang Yoga


Maharshi Patanjali has defined yoga as ‘the detention of the vices of the mind’ (yoga: chittavriti nirrodha). He compiled all the sutras known as ‘Yogasutras’ where he has explained a detailed path of ‘Ashtang Yoga’ (yoga with eight limbs) for overall well-being.  It is an eight- dimensional passage where all the eight dimensions are practiced simultaneously.

Hath Yoga


Hatha yoga is the branch of yoga that usually comes from thinking in general terms of yoga. Exercises include the breath, body, and mind, and classes typically range from 45 minutes to 90 minutes of breathing, yoga, and meditation.

Karma Yoga


In fact, Karma yoga is the yoga through which we are able to connect with our soul. Karma yoga awakens our enlightenment. After this we can get not only the objectives of our present life but also the foreshadowing of our pace after life. In this yoga, God is achieved through karma. Karma yoga is considered the best in the Srimad Bhagavadgita. 

Dhyan Yoga


Hatha yoga is the branch of yoga that usually comes from thinking in general terms of yoga. Exercises include the breath, body, and mind, and classes typically range from 45 minutes to 90 minutes of breathing, yoga, and meditation.

Mantra Yoga


The scholars of psychology have experimented in many ways after searching and researching. They have concluded that the thoughts which arise again and again in the brain of man are repeated in the brain. The same type of thoughts revolve around the brain repeatedly. The work that is done again and again becomes a habit, gradually the habit and then nature takes the form of samskara. Mantra is a Sanskrit word, which means – to think, to hold, to understand and to like.

Kundalini Yoga


Kundalini Yoga or Rhythm Yoga means getting absorbed in the picture union, transmitting one’s life, getting absorbed in the knowledge of Brahman. The dissolution of the mind in its form or the detached state of mind comes under lāyoga. When walking, sitting, sleeping and eating in the mind of the seeker, be attentive to the brahm at all times – called lāyoga. Yogatvopanishad-

गच्छस्तिष्ठन स्वपन भुंजन् ध्यायेन्त्रिष्कलमीश्वरम् स एव लययोगः स्यात। (22-23)

Numbers Speak

Years of Experience
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Dedicated completely in the field of Yoga for the last seven years. After the first year of rigorous practice of Yoga, the work of teaching yoga started. Gave yoga training to hundreds of seekers over the years. Yoga education also kept progressing simultaneously

Happy Sadhak
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During the last six years, hundreds of people were trained in yoga. Wake people up about yoga, pranayama, meditation and lifestyle. Special importance was given to these topics on the importance of yoga in life, how to bring it down in life and how to benefit others.

Programs & Trainings
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A dozen yoga classes are being organized regularly by Ekatmayoga. Children, women and general classes are organized in these. In the classroom, theoretical and practical training is given for subjects like Yogasan, Pranayama, Meditation, Lifestyle, Naturopathy etc.

Benefits of Yoga

Today people from all over the world are practicing yoga. Yoga is not just a trend, it is also a way of living. Yoga means “bringing oneself into reality”.

Do not consider yoga as a form of exercise. Yoga is a beautiful practice that builds your mental health, it makes physical health stable and spiritual growth. Yoga is a miraculous boon for humanity.

Yoga has even more benefits. Yoga brings feeling of contentment, improves concentration & focus, improves mind and body connection, develops self awareness. It makes body flexible and strong,  helps in managing weight, and relieving pain.

Sadhaks speak

"Ekatmayoga", as the name suggests, follows a wonderful system to impart the Yogic knowledge among Yoga Students and helps them to be ekakar with their Body and Mind. I am so grateful to Yogacharya Kailash, who offered me his time and energy. His coaching and support is very precious for our health and fitness. I thank him, from the core of my heart, for bringing a tremendous positive change in my Yogic Practice.
Ekamayoga Sadhak
Suresh Bhatt
General Manager, Corporate Co.
Joining yoga sessions of Ekatmayoga is like a blessing for me. I was so lethargic and annoyed all the time because I had no control over my body... no energies to carry out even my daily chorus... though it’s been just about a month but I have noticed major changes in my energy levels, control on my emotions, zeal to be active. Looking forward to many more such most required changes in me. Many thanks to Ekatmayoga.
Ekamayoga Sadhak
CS Amarpreet Jaiswal
Corporate Lawyer
I had never felt Yoga so well, always heard about the power of Yoga, ever since I started taking a class of Ekatmayoga, I understood the power of Yoga. I have started doing many asanas very well, energy has increased in the body, muscles have become vigorous, and stamina has increased. In lockdown period, for the first time in my life, I did regular yoga for two and a half months. He also understood the posture deeply.
Ekamayoga Sadhak
Neeraj Gupta
Yoga helped me to fight with stress, improved muscle strength and tone, relaxe in back pain, reduced weight, increased flexibility and protect from injury.
how wonderful you are
Ruchika Aggarwal
Home maker
I have achieved four benefits with this class (with Ekatmayoga): Reduced knee pain. One hour full meditation with yoga. Pranayam with yoga. Deep breathing and chakras awakening.
Ekamayoga Sadhak
Shashi Aggarwal
Home maker
Yoga with Ekatmayoga has not only made me physically agile but mentally lighter also. I am little more happy, little more relaxed, little more at peace. It is pure bliss full experience
Ekamayoga Sadhak
Sudha Kalra
Home Maker
Though I have been practising yoga for the past ten years.Since last two years Acharya Kailash is my yoga guru and during this period, I have benefited the most.I am physically and mentally stronger than before. Individual attention is given to each student. I had chronic health issues which r stable now.
Ekamayoga Sadhak
Dr. Jagriti
I feel very light after doing yoga. Also feel energetic and fresh.
Ekamayoga Sadhak
Sandeep Jain
Yoga has made me more disciplined, physically strong & flexible.
Ekamayoga Sadhak
Renu Jain
School Principal
Health is top form of wealth, and EKATMAYOGA is teaching me how to improve and enhance it. Sookshma kriyayen (micro exercises) help us to get rid of stiffness of the body gradually. These small activities helping to improve flexibility of the body at the old age too. Thanks EKATMAYOGA very much to show the way & lead in journey of LIFE.
Ekamayoga Sadhak
J.P. Barthwal
Retd. Govt. Officer